Family Support Services

ECEAP is a family oriented program and all ECEAP families have been assigned a Family Advocate (FA). Your Family Advocate will schedule periodic visits to share valuable parenting information and to assist you in reaching your family and individual goals. Your Family Advocate is your connection between school and home! If at any time you have a question about the services available to you, you would like to speak with a counselor, or if you feel the need for greater family support, please don’t hesitate to contact your Family Advocate.

Always contact your FA if:

  • Your child has or develops a life-threatening condition
  • You have any changes in your phone numbers
  • You move or change your mailing address
  • You need to request a change in busing
  • There is a change in the custody or parenting plan for your child
  • You have questions or concerns about school
  • You need to add or remove a person on your child’s Authorization list